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Evolution of Rickshaw Art



Gallagher, Rob. The Rickshaws of Bangladesh. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 1992.

Glassie, Henry, and Firoz Mahmud. Contemporary Traditional Art of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh National Museum, 2000.

Glassie, Henry. “The Pictorial System.” In Art and life in Bangladesh, 433-437. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.

Glassie, Henry. Traditional Art of Dhaka. Dhaka: Bangladesh Academy, 2000.

Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “Bangladeshi Arts of the Ricksha.”, December 5, 1997,

Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “Rickshaw Revelations.” Outlook, 04 August 2004,

Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “The Painted Ricksha as Culture Theater.” Studies in Visual Communication 10, no. 3 (1984): 73-85.

Kirkpatrick, Joanna. Transports of Delight: The Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003. CD-ROM.

Learmonth, Tom. "Rickshaw Art in Bangladesh." Mimar: Architecture in Development 39 (1991): 76-79.

Mahmud, Firoz. “The Rickshaw and Rickshaw Painting in Dhaka City.” In Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia, edited by Sanjay Garg, 160-172. Colombo: SAARC Cultural Centre, 2015.


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